Patients Clamor for Cancer Drug that Shows Promise for Alzheimer’s in Mice

Cancer Drug Shows Promise for Alzheimer’s | Alzheimeric.comThe pharmaceutical industry has beat a concerted retreat from developing drugs for diseases that affect the brain, stymied by the lengthy development times for these agents and a string of failures. Despite the evident risks, a new study shows how industry leaders should perhaps be taking the long view.

The report online last week in Science that an already approved cancer drug showed promise in mice in correcting both the molecular pathology and cognitive decline of Alzheimer’s has patients and their families clamoring for the compound.

Those suffering are asking by the hundreds for the drug despite warnings that evidence in mice often does not translate into later success in humans. Gary Landreth of Case Western Reserve University received a flood of requests from desperate families.

Source: Patients Clamor for Cancer Drug that Shows Promise for Alzheimer’s in Mice

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