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Artificial Butter Flavouring Linked To Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

Artificial Butter Flavouring Linked To Alzheimer's Disease Risk | Alzheimeric.comA buttery food flavouring ingredient found in microwave popcorn could intensify the damaging effects of abnormal brain proteins linked to Alzheimer’s, a recent study has suggested.

Diacetyl (DA), an artificial food flavouring that gives popcorn and margarine its distinctive butter taste, encourages beta-amyloid proteins in the brain to ‘clump’ together, according to findings published in the Chemical Research in Toxicology journal.

AstraZeneca Seeks Alzheimer’s Answer

Dr. Lanny Edelsohn of Christiana Care Neurology Specialists |

Ask anyone who’s lost anyone they have loved to Alzheimer’s disease.

They will tell you unequivocally the illness that unforgivingly erases the minds of its sufferers, leaves behind unforgettable, heartbreaking memories with loved ones.

With Alzheimer’s disease, the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S., there is no cure, no prevention – and no doubt the 18 million sufferers worldwide, will double by 2025, according to the World Health Organization.

Fish could protect against Alzheimer’s

Fish could protect against Alzheimer's | Alzheimeric.comA study by US scientists found that elderly people who eat fish at least once a week are three to five times less likely to develop the conditions than people who did not.

But it is essential that the fish is cooked in a manner that preserves the vital Omega-3 fatty acids which help protect the brain, researchers said.