Why do so many more women have Alzheimer’s than men?

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, one in six women over the age of 65 are at risk for developing Alzheimer’s. That’s compared to a one in eleven chance of developing the disease for men of the same age. Put another way, two-thirds of all Americans with Alzheimer’s are women. But why? The simple answer — though the science behind it is far from simple — may be that women’s brains age differently than men’s do. Source: Why do so many more women have Alzheimer’s than men? | Public Radio International.

Alzheimer’s Disease Statistics Show the Illness Will Define Our Times

Alzheimer's Disease Statistics Show the Illness Will Define Our Times | Alzheimeric.com
Alzheimer’s disease is practically unheard of in adults younger than 40, and very rare (one in 2,500) for those under 60. It affects 1 percent of 65-year-olds, 2 percent of 68-year-olds, 3 percent of 70-year-olds. After that, the odds start multiplying. The likelihood of your developing Alzheimer’s more or less doubles every five years past 65. Should you make it to 85, you will have, roughly, a fifty-fifty shot at remaining sane.

Souce: Alzheimer’s Disease Statistics Show the Illness Will Define Our Times | New Republic

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Experimental game Alz aims to raise Alzheimer’s awareness

Experimental game Alz aims to raise Alzheimer's awareness | Alzheimeric.com
There aren’t many games out there that focus on raising awareness of Alzheimer’s, but Alz, a experimental game-slash-film, is a beautifully simple insight into the implications of the condition for both the sufferer and their loved ones.

The game is a simple walkthrough, in which players control of a faceless man whose surroundings glitch and flash in and out of focus as he attempts to make sense of the world. Bus journeys become insumountable obstacles and recognisable faces become strangers: his wife tells him she loves him and he simply refers to her as a “large something – what is it for, why is she here?”

Do Infections Speed Up Alzheimer’s?

An increase in brain inflammation, such as that caused by age, diabetes and obesity, is known to increase risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease. Now scientists at UK’s Southampton University are about to start a three-year study, using brain tissue generously donated by people who died with Alzheimer’s disease, to see if inflammation caused by infections such as those of the urinary tract or chest, also speeds up progress of the disease. Source: Do Infections Speed Up Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s Drug Could Stop The Disease Early

Alzheimer's Drug Could Stop The Disease Early | Alzheimeric.comBritish researchers are developing a drug which they hope could stop Alzheimer’s before it seriously affects a person’s mental abilities.
In early trials conducted on mice they found the compound reduced by a third the number of ‘plaques’ on the brain, which are associated with the disease. Source: Alzheimer’s drug could stop the disease early, say researchers – Telegraph