Posts Tagged ‘brain’

Tweaking Dietary Fat Intake Could Help Slow Brain Aging

Tweaking Dietary Fat Intake Could Help Slow Brain Aging | Alzheimeric.comIn a finding sure to fuel the debate over the harms of saturated fat, researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital published a study Friday suggesting that saturated fats — found in red meat and full-fat dairy products — causes the brain to age more rapidly than other kinds of fat. Olive oil, avocado, and other monounsaturated fats appear to slow brain aging.

Top 5 Ways to Boost Your Brain

If nuts can help stave off Alzheimer’s, what else is good for your mind. Here are some ways to boost your brain.

It is the ticking time-bomb that will affect 1.7 million of us in just 40 years. But can you stave off Alzheimer’s with a healthy diet. This week scientists said eating chicken, oily fish and nuts may help stop it developing. So what do the experts say about the other claimed methods of beating the disease.

Alzheimer’s ‘early signs timeline developed’

Scientists have assembled a “timeline” of the unseen progress of Alzheimer’s before symptoms appear.

A team at Washington University School of Medicine looked at families with a genetic risk of the disease.

Writing in the New England Journal of Medicine, they say signs appeared up to 25 years before the expected onset of the disease.