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Caring for Alzheimer’s Seniors: Dealing with Difficult Behaviors

Caring for Alzheimer’s Seniors: Dealing with Difficult Behaviors | Alzheimeric.comThe behaviors of seniors with Alzheimer’s are often unpredictable. You may have already experienced a wide swing in your loved one from withdrawn to aggressive. Dealing with these behaviors is never easy, especially as they sometimes come out of the blue. But that’s Alzheimer’s.

We’ll look at some common behaviors and ways you can respond to limit your frustration and to increase the wellness of your loved one.

The Alzheimer’s Gene: Do You Want to Know?

The Alzheimer’s Gene: Do You Want to Know? | Alzheimeric.comIf there was a way to know if you were predisposed to developing Alzheimer’s disease, would you want to know? As tests to evaluate an individual’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease advance, this is a question plaguing the minds of more and more Americans, especially those who have parents or other relatives with the disease.

According to the Washington Post, two-thirds of U.S. respondents in a survey last year conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health said they’d want to know if they were likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

Turmeric May Have the Key to Alzheimer’s Disease

Turmeric May Have the Key to Alzheimer’s Disease |“I know they say there is no cure for Alzheimer’s… But I was wondering if there’s any development in a cure you know about?” I was asked after my lecture on PET imaging of dementia this past summer. A number of technologists gathered around me, far more eager to hear my response to this question than they were to hear me speak on the continuing education topics.